Example Workshops & Presentations
The Science of Compassion: Full Workshop for Lasting Change
4 hours (2 general, additional 2 for leadership support training)
Strong caregivers start with strong individuals and strong teams. Once the foundation is reinforced, then internally and externally directed strategies can be introduced that are science based and compassion focused. This workshop covers how trauma science, cognitive science and crisis communication techniques can affect and improve our practices as individuals, teams and caregivers. Research and data-driven principles are taught through a series of stories, activities, and data presentation that allow for easy application. The outcome is a stronger, more resilient care team who is operating at the top of their abilities and ending each day feeling fulfilled.
Two hours of the workshop are for all team members. The final two hours are to teach those in leadership the tactics to reinforce, personalize, and continue the strategies taught in the first half. This workshop is a collection of the material covered in the shorter presentations, including: crisis communication strategies, the science of stress, compassion versus empathy, self-care and team-care fundamentals, and cognitive science methods to improve connection.
In this presentation, caregivers will:
- Discuss how compassion as a tool intersects with and improves self, team and client care
Improve personal and team resilience, increase satisfaction in work/life balance
Build a toolbox of customized methods that support you and your team as caregivers
Learn how to maximize the power of agency in yourselves and those you support
Leverage trauma science for maximized intake and retention of information
Analyze different interventions and how they affect client/patient care & engagement
Explore how to use cognitive research to improve communication and increase satisfaction
“Katelyn possesses masterful composure and competence. She is gifted in her ability to break down multifaceted concepts into bite-sized chunks, connecting the dots in a loving and insightful way.”
- Kristi Frederick, Organizational Leadership and Development Manager, Asante
Building Trauma-Informed Communication and Education
1 hour each
Science based compassion means taking what is sometimes thought of as “soft science” concepts (like anecdotal patient stories and experiences), and pulling the data from statistics, studies, and evidence-based practices that apply to these areas. Trauma-based studies and science present a wealth of information on how people intake, process, and retain information differently when in a stressed or traumatized mindset. Cognitive science gives us understanding of the way people’s minds make innate errors in judgments and responses to certain situations. These innate errors, or biases, oftentimes lead to poor decisions- some of which can have deadly consequences (such as up to 8% of women refusing recommended chemo due to unconscious biases tied to Identity Threat).
Using inspiring stories and well established cognitive tools, we will explore the science behind trauma-informed medical education and holistic recovery strategies. You will walk away with a checklist of how to create and optimize your own trauma-informed communication strategies and educational resources.
In this presentation, care providers will:
- Explore methods that improve patient retention of medical education
Examine the trauma-based science behind what keeps patients engaged and compliant with their care
Learn cognitive science based strategies that improve patient resilience, patient decision making, and patient satisfaction
Understand the relationship between trauma processing and altered morbidity/mortality
“Mind-blowing and incredibly useful information that will change my practice.”
- AONN Conference attendee
The Communication and Resiliency Strategies that Strengthen Caregivers
1 hour each
Learn how compassion (versus empathy) can guide us to protect and care for ourselves and our patients/clients. Understanding the science behind stress and trauma processing allows us to build and utilize tools that smooth the path to recovery. Through science, storytelling and humor this presentation will help you learn how to communicate effectively, hold a boundary of compassion, and ensure that you go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled instead of exhausted. You will walk away with new perspectives, as well as compassion-based communication tips and and an emotional first aid kit that you can use to improve your own well-being.
In this presentation, caregivers will:
- Discuss how compassion as a tool intersects with and improves self, team and client care
Analyze different interventions and how they affect client/patient care & engagement
Review cognitive research on the ways that stress affects mental processing
Build a toolbox of methods that support you and your team as caregivers
“This was the best and most helpful session of the conference. I feel that I will use this information daily in my job.”
- EW Conference Participant
Self Care and Team Care Foundations
1 hour each
High stress jobs require high functioning (but accessible) science based strategies for self care and team care. This class provides both foundations and advanced concepts for improving resiliency, work/life balance, and general happiness. We’ve all been told we need to try healthy diets, more exercise, mindfulness and good sleep. If being told to do those things worked, we’d have done them already. This training recognizes that good techniques need to be paired with a solid understanding of the “why”, and hacks to introduce healthy habits and ways of thinking more easily and naturally into our hectic lives.
In this presentation, participants will:
- Examine the fundamental science of stress and trauma
Learn brain hacks for healthier perspectives and habits
Understand ways to maximize agency in day to day practice
Learn how to apply the 3 most powerful aspects of happiness to daily life
“This presentation was deep, insightful, and highly educational. In 20 years in the field I have never before had a workshop where the presenter understood [our stressors] so well.”
- Michael, Firefighter/Paramedic
Science-based philosophies and practices that create a happy, resilient, and well-balanced life.